Monday, November 20, 2017


Science Reviewer J
1. PLATELETS = tiny colorless living particles that help in the formation of BLODD CLOTS.
2. VEINS = the tubes that bring un-oxygenated blood back TO the HEART.
3. CEREBRUM = the LARGEST part of the BRAIN.

6. ANEMIA = the disease that occurs when there is A DECREASE in the number of RED BLOOD cells.
7. ARTERIES = the tubes that carry blood AWAY from the HEART.
8. EMBRYOLOGIST = the SCIENTIST who study the REPRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT of organisms.
10. CERVIX = the LOWER end of the UTERUS.
11. PUBERTY = the STAGE between being a KID and becoming an ADULT.
12. 28 DAYS = the menstrual cycle lasts
13. PENIS = EXTERNAL MALE reproductive ORGAN
14. SCROTUM = A POUCH where the TESTES are located
19. BLADDER = the place where URINE is TEMPORARILY HELD
21. ECOLOGY = Scientific study of the INTREACTIONS between ORGANISMS and their ENVIRONMENTS
24. They live in BOTH land and water.
          a. reptiles                B. amphibians                   c. mammals            d. birds
25. Lizards, snakes, turtles and alligators are_____?
          A. reptiles     b. amphibians                   c. mammals            d. birds
26. Cow, blue whale, bat and man are_____?
          a. reptiles                b. amphibians                   C. mammals           d. birds
27. It is the green pigment present in the green leaves.
          A. chlorophyll                    b. carotene                       c. leucoplast            d. xanthoplast
28. They are also called producers.
                a. heterotrophs       b. saprophytes                  C. autotrophs                    d. none of the above
      29. Which part of the mansanilya plant is best for medicine?
                a. leaves                 B. flowers               c. stems                 d. roots
30. Which of these medicinal plants is used for cough?
          a. guava                 b. kaimito                          C. oregano              d. santol
31. The change that occurs in a substance but remain the same kind of substance.
          a. chemical change B. physical change  c. chemical property d. physical property
32. A change from solid to liquid phase is referred to as _____?
          a. boiling                 B. melting                         c. freezing               d. heating
33. A bar of chocolate placed under the sun will turn to ____?
          a. solid chocolate    b. melting chocolate          c. frozen chocolate  D. liquid chocolate
34. What process is involved in the formation of water drops at the side of a glass with ice cubes?
          a. freezing              b. evaporation                   C. condensation      d. heating
35. The unit to express current is ?
          a. volts                   b. watt                                        C. ampere              d. kilowatt
36. Atomic particles that carry a negative electric charge are called?
          a. neutrons             b. positrons                       C. electrons            d. protons
37. Between which particles would an electric force of attraction occur?
          a. proton-proton      b. electron-electron           c. neutron-neutron   D. proton-electron
38. The three methods by which an object can be electrically charged are conduction, induction     and _______.
          A. friction                b. resistance                     c. direct current       d. alternating current
39. The opposite charges exert a force of
          a. repulsion             B. attraction                      c. friction                 d. electricity
40. Which of these is not a load?
          a. electric fan                    B. battery                          c. light bulb             d. aircon
41. It makes work easier and faster.
          A. machine             b. man                              c. worker                d. inclined plane
42. It is a double inclined plane.
          A. wedge                b. pulley                            c. screw                  d. wheel and axle
43. It is a flat surface which one end is elevated.
          a. seesaw               b. pulley                            c. wedge                 D. inclined plane
44. It is a rotating lever in which two wheel are mounted on the axle.
          a. wedge                 b. pulley                            c. inclined plane      D. wheel and axle
45. It brings up object as one ends is pulled.
          a. wedge                 B. pulley                           c. screw                  d. wheel and axle
46. The scientist who studies the earth’s surfaces and the rocks that form them.
          a. Biologist              B. Geologist                      c. Meteorologist      d. Gemologist
47. The no charge particle.
          a. positron              b. electron                        N. neutron              d. proton
48. The animals that are solely depend on plants for food.
          a. carnivores           b. omnivores                     C. herbivores                    d. vegetarians
49. Which of the following is a metal?
          a. Chlorine              b. Nitrogen                        c. Xenon                 D. Calcium
50. The energy associated with motion or moving parts.
          a. electric energy     B. mechanical energy        c. sound energy      d. light energy
51. The device used to measure speed
          a. accelerator          B. speedometer                c. barometer           d. radar
52. The center of the solar system
          a. earth                   B. sun                               c. moon                  d. star
53. The outer layer of the earth
          A. crust                   b. core                              c. mantle                d. lithosphere
54. The material that cannot absorb heat
          a. metal                  b. copper                          c. conductor            D. insulator
55. A point in the fault where the first break happens
          A. focus                  b. epicenter                       c. surface               d. seismic wave
56. The force that hinders an object from moving
          A. friction                b. gravity                          c. motion                d. acceleration
57. The violent shaking or trembling of the ground
          A. earthquake         b. typhoon                        c. hurricane             d. cyclone
58. One (1) Joule is equal to ____?
          a. meter/sec2                              B. Newton-meter               c. Newton/sec2            d. kilometer
59. What is work done if a force of 10 Newton is used to lift a rock 5 meters high?
          a. 2 Newton-meter  b. 5 Newton-meter            C. 50 Newton-meter          d. 15 Newton-meter
Work = Force times distance
W = F x d
W = 10  Newton x 5 meters
W = 50 Newton-meter
60. The unit of force
          A. Newton               b. kilogram                        c. Joule                   d. erg
61. The universal blood recipient
          a. O                        b. A                                  c. B                        D. AB
62. The universal blood donor
          A. O                       b. A                                  c. B                        d. AB
63. It is the statistical study of population
          a. Statistics             B. Demography                 c. Anthropology       c. Population control
64. This is used for killing insects but it can be harmful and can cause disease to people if inhaled.
          A. Pesticide             b. Insecticide                     c. Parricide             d. Fungicide
65. The oldest and simplest method of preserving food using the heat of the sun.
          A. canning    B. drying                           c. smoking              d. fermentation
66. It has definite shape and volume.
          A. solid                   b. gas                               c. liquid                   d. plasma
67. It is the amount of space occupied by the substance.
          A. volume               b. mass                            c. air                       d, cubic meter
68. What is the formula of Kinetic Energy?
          a. KE = 2mv2                b. KE = 1/2m2v                  c. KE = 1/2mv         D. KE = 1/2mv2
69. A 45kg box was moved at a distance such that the velocity is 5m/s forward direction. What is the Kinetic Energy of the box?
          A. 562.5 kg m2/s2      b. 2250 kg m2/s2                   c. 112.5 kg m/s           d. 5062.5 kg2 m/s
KE = 1/2mv2                 KE = 1/2 x 45 x (5)2                KE = 1/2 x 45 x 25
KE = 1125/2            KE = 562.5 kg m2/s2

70. What is the formula for Potential Energy?
          a. PE = mvg            b. PE = gdm                     C. PE = mgh           d. PE = mg
71. Lyndon is standing on the board one meter above the ground and he weighs 35 kg.
What is Lyndon’s Potential Energy?
          a. 36 N/M               B. 343 N/M                       c. 35 N/M                d. 35 N/M
PE = mgh , where m = mass; g = acceleration due to gravity; and h = height
Since m = 35 kg ; h = 1 m; and g = 9.80665 m/s2  (constant at earth’s surface)
PE = 35 x 1 x 9.80665 = 343 N/M

72. Which is called “stored energy”?
          a. kinetic                 B. potential                       c. gravitational         d. electrical
73. Energy is the ability to do ____?
          A. work                   b. motion                          c. acceleration         d. power
74. The unit in which energy is measured is the ________.
          a. Newton               b. watt                                        c. electron               D. joule
75. It is the force of attraction that exists between all objects in the universe.
          a. friction                b. inertia                           c. momentum          D. gravity
76. If the motor boat travels 20km down a river within 4 hours, what is the boat’s velocity?
          a. 16 km/h              b. 15 km/h                        C. 5 km/h                d. 1 km/h
Velocity = distance / time plus direction
V = 20/4 = 5 km/h downward
77. Matter is anything that occupies space and has ______.
          a. weight                 B. mass                            c. speed                 d. motion
78. The equivalent of erg in joule is____?
          a. 107                                B. 10-7                                              c. 7-10                                d. 710
79. The erg is also a unit of energy or work expressed in _______?
          a. kg m2/sec2          B. g cm2/s2                                   c. Newton-meter     d. joule
80. In the equation formulated by Albert Einstein,  E = mc2 , what represents c?
          a. energy of light     B. speed of light                c. velocity of light     d. luminosity of light

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figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning other than the literal meaning. It can be a metaphor or simile that's designed to further explain a concept. Or it can be the repetition of alliteration or exaggeration of hyperbole to give further emphasis or effect. There are many different types of figures of speech in the English language. We will give you examples of some of the most commonly used types here.

Examples of Figures of Speech
Using Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of the beginning sounds of neighboring words. Examples are:
·        She sells seashells.
·        Walter wondered where Winnie was.
·        Blue baby bonnets
·        Nick needed new notebooks.
·        Fred fried frogs.
Using Anaphora
Anaphora is a technique where several phrases (or verses in a poem) begin with the same word or words. Examples are:
·        I came, I saw, I conquered - Julius Caesar
·        Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! - King John II, William Shakespeare
·        It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness - A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
·        With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right - Abraham Lincoln
·        We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end... we shall never surrender - Winston Churchill
Using Assonance
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together. Examples are:
·        A - For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore (Poe)
·        E - Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee (Coleridge)
·        I - From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire (Frost)
·        O - Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn (Wordsworth)
·        U - Uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (Poe)
Using a Euphemism
Euphemism is a mild, indirect, or vague term substituting for a harsh, blunt, or offensive term. Examples are:
·        'A little thin on top' instead of 'going bald'
·        'Homeless' instead of 'bum'
·        'Letting him go' instead of 'firing him'
·        'Passed away' instead of 'died'
·        'Economical with the truth' instead of 'liar'
Using Hyperbole
Hyperbole uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect. Examples are:
·        I’ve told you a hundred times
·        It cost a billion dollars
·        I could do this forever
·        She is older than dirt
·        Everybody knows that
Using Irony
Irony is when there is a contrast between what is said and what is meant, or between apearance and reality. Examples are:
·        “How nice!” she said, when I told her I had to work all weekend. (Verbal irony)
·        A traffic cop gets suspended for not paying his parking tickets. (Situational irony)
·        The Titanic was said to be unsinkable but sank on its first voyage. (Situational irony)
·        Naming a Chihuahua Brutus (Verbal irony)
·        The audience knows the killer is hiding in a closet in a scary movie but the actors do not. (Dramatic irony)
Using Metaphor
Metaphor compares two unlike things or ideas. Examples are:
·        Heart of stone
·        Time is money
·        The world is a stage
·        She is a night owl
·        He is an ogre
Using Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing. Examples are:
·        Whoosh
·        Splat
·        Buzz
·        Click
·        Oink
Using Oxymoron
Oxymoron is two contradictory terms used together. Examples are:
·        Peace force
·        Kosher ham
·        Jumbo shrimp
·        Small crowd
·        Free market
Using Personification
Personification is giving human qualities to non-living things or ideas. Examples are:
·        The flowers nodded
·        Snowflakes danced
·        Thunder grumbled
·        Fog crept in
·        The wind howled
Using Simile
Simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words "like" or "as." Examples are:
·        As slippery as an eel
·        Like peas in a pod
·        As blind as a bat
·        Eats like a pig
·        As wise as an owl
Using Synecdoche
Synecdoche is when a part represents the whole or the whole is represented by a part. Examples are:
·        Wheels - a car
·        The police - one policeman
·        Plastic - credit cards
·        Coke - any cola drink
·        Army - a soldier
Using Understatement
Understatement is when something is said to make something appear less important or less serious. Examples are:
·        It's just a scratch - referring to a large dent
·        It's a litttle dry and sandy - referring to the driest desert in the world
·        The weather is a little cooler today - referring to sub-zero temperatures
·        It was interesting - referring to a bad or difficult experience
·        It stings a bit - referring to a serious wound or injury
These examples of figures of speech were selected to show a variety of stylistic and rhetorical devices that make the English language more creative, more expressive, and more interesting.

Source :

Saturday, November 11, 2017


Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. What did Robert Hooke use to view cells?

          a. cork
          b. fuzz
          c. saliva
          d. tree bark

2.  The three basic needs of living things are the following except:
          a. people
          b. air
          c. water
          d. warmth
3. Which of the following is not part of the cell theory?
a. All living organisms are composed of three or more cells.
b. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms.
c. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.
d. Some living organisms have only one cell.

4. With the continual improvements made to _________, cell biology was made possible in the 17th century.

          a. microscope
          b. telescope
          c. stethoscope
          d. periscope

5. Cell theory was formulated in 1839. The following scientist did not contribute to the cell theory:

          a. Robert Hooke
          b. Matthias Schleiden
          c. Theodor Schwann
          d. Rudolf Virchow

6. The following are characteristics of living things except one:
          a. Living things need oxygen to keep alive.

          b. Living things use energy for maintenance and growth.
          c. Living things grow and reproduce other living things.
          d. Livings things response and adapt to their environment.
7. Which one of these is not considered a good attribute of a hypothesis?
          a. complexity
          b. consistency
          c. power of prediction
          d. closest to observable things

8. A group of cells that perform a common function is called a/an _______.

          a. tissue
          b. organ
          c. digestive system
          d. organism

9. All are characteristics of bacteria except:

          a. Bacteria have only one method of reproduction through binary fission.
          b. The cells of bacteria do not have nuclei.
          c. Bacteria are harmful and also beneficial to man.
          d. Bacteria are single cellular microscopic organisms.

10. Dry ice is frozen _________.

          a. carbon dioxide
          b. water
          c. oxygen
          d. hydrogen

11. Aling Naty put mothballs inside their closets.  After several months, she discovered that all of them were gone. This physical process is called___.

          a. sublimation
          b. condensation
          c. digestion
          d. evaporation

12. Which of these cannot be considered a step in scientific method?

          a. Using strategies in playing Dota.
          b. Gathering reference books on how typhoon is formed.
          c. Observing that a needle floats on water.
          d. Testing what happens when sugar and water are mixed together.

13. When a color-blind man marries a woman who have no trace of the condition, which of the following is correct.

          a. Their baby girl will be a carrier.
          b. Their baby girl will be color-blind.
          c. All their children will be color-blind.
          d. Their baby boy will be color blind.

14. A fertilized egg is called a/an _________.

          a. zygote
          b. gamete
          c. ovum
          d. ovulation

15. The chemical symbol of an ordinary salt is_____.

          a. NaCl
          b. H2O
          c. H2SO4
          d. CO2

16. Mang Delfin planted an albino corn seeds in an open field with good irrigation. After one week, the plants grew to about 1 foot but eventually died in the following days?

          a. The plants cannot produce their own foods.
          b. The pests killed the plants.
          c. Too much sunlight killed the plants.
          d. Mang Delfin did not put enough fertilizer on the soil.

17. The following events are due to condensation except one:

          a. The clothes dried in an open space.
          b. Having a cold soda on a hot day, the can “sweats.”
          c. The mirror in the bathroom during a shower becomes foggy.
          d. The clouds are formed.

18. New born baby has fewer bones than an adult.

          a. False
          b. True
          c. Sometimes
          d. It depends.

19. A monsoon wind that comes from the southwest.

          a. Habagat
          b. Tropical Easterlies
          c. Amihan
          d. Doldrum

20. The earth started revolving around the sun on 01 January 2017. When it reaches to its starting point, the date will be approximately______.

          a. 31 December 2017
          b. 02 January 2018
          c. 02 January 2017
          d. 31 January 2017

21. They are blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the tissues of the body.

          a. Arteries
          b. Capillaries
          c. Veins
          d. Haemoglobin

22. What happens when the moon is between the earth and the sun?

          a. Solar eclipse
          b. Tidal waves
          c. Lunar eclipse
          d. Earthquake

23. The metal which is considered the best conductor of electricity.

          a. Silver
          b. Gold
          c. Aluminum
          d. Copper

24. Which of the following is not an inverse relationship?

          a. Pressure and Temperature of gas if Volume is constant
          b. Savings and Expenditure if Income is constant
          c, Resistance and Current if Voltage is constant
          d. Speed and Time if Distance is constant

25. It is the nearest star to the earth.

          a. Sun
          b. Leo
          c. Satellite
          d. Moon

26. A needle placed on a glass of water floats because of______.

          a. surface tension
          b. tensile strength
          c. flotation
          d. buoyancy

27. Evolution by natural selection of organisms is possible if all but one is present.

          a. supremacy
          b. variety
          c. differential reproduction
          d. heredity

28. If 4 balloons are filled with hydrogen, beryllium, helium, and lithium. The balloon which floats higher is filled with_____.

          a. Hydrogen
          b. Beryllium
          c. Helium
          d. Lithium

29. It is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.

          a. Nitrogen
          b. Carbon dioxide
          c. Oxygen
          d. Argon

30. The longest and the strongest bone in the human body.

          a. femur
          b. skull
          c. humerus
          d. pelvis

31. Which of the following statement is true?

          a. Each person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent.
          b. In humans, genes are of the same size.
          c. DNA is made up of genes.
          d. Each gene contains many chromosomes

32. One of the following statements is not correct. Which one?

          a. Genotypes are internal visible characters such as height, color of eyes and dimple.
          b. The transfer of characters from parents to offspring is called heredity,
          c. Traits were passed on independently of others from parents to offspring.
          d. There are dominant and recessive traits passed on randomly from parents to offspring.

33. Which of the following animals is not a mammal?

          a. shark
          b. whale
          c. dolphin
          d. seal

34. On a stormy day, you see the lightning first before you hear the thunder. This is explained by one of the following:

          a. Light travels faster than sound.
          b. You see the lightning first because it is very bright.
          c. Your eyes are sharper than your ears.
          d. The sound of the storm is louder than the sound of the thunder.

35. A glass full of water is placed inside a small bowl. A golf ball is submerged on the glass. What can you conclude about the displaced water?

          a. Its volume is equal to the volume of the golf ball.
          b. Its weight is equal to the volume of the golf ball.
          c. Its weight is equal to the weight of the golf ball.
          d. Its volume is equal to the weight of the golf ball.

36. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This law is attributed to which scientist below:

          a. Sir Isaac Newton
          b. Archimedes
          c. Gregor Mendel
          d. Albert Einstein

37. The speed of light which is approximately 186,300 miles per second or 300,000 kilometers per second, is first estimated by this Danish astronomer.

          a. Ole Roemer
          b. Galileo Galilei
          c. Nicholas Copernicus
          d. Johannes Kepler

38. The stapes, the smallest and stirrup-shaped bone, is located in which part of the human body?

          a. Ear
          b. Nose
          c. Groin
          d. Eye

39. What is not a greenhouse effect?

          a. It is the result of the lessening of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to deforestation and burning up of fossil fuel.
          b. it is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere.
          c. It increases the temperature of the earth by trapping heat in our atmosphere.
          d. It refers to circumstances where short wavelengths of visible light from the sun pass through a transparent medium and are absorbed, but the longer wavelengths of the infrared re-radiation from the heated objects are unable to pass through that medium.

40. When your tumor is benign, it means that it is_____.

          a. non-cancerous
          b. cancerous
          c. moving in other parts of the body
          d. reproducing rapidly

41. David has three kilos of gold on the moon while Ernest has three kilos of gold on earth. Who has more gold?

          a. David
          b. Ernest
          c. Both of then have the same amount of gold.
          d. It depends on how long David has been on the moon

42. Raha Moharrak, the first Saudi woman to climb Everest, is trying to boil water for rice at base camp. How should she alter her recipe at a high elevation? (Credit to Melissa Hirsch of Gill, Massachusetts)

a. She should simmer the rice for more time. Because air pressure is lower at high altitudes, water boils at a lower temperature.
b. She should simmer the rice for less time. Because air pressure is lower at high altitudes, water boils at a lower temperature.
c. She should cook the rice at a lower temperature. Because air pressure is lower at high altitudes, water boils at a lower temperature.
d. She should cook the rice at a higher temperature. Because air pressure is lower at high altitudes, water boils at a lower temperature.

43. Table salt is made from:  (Credit to Lisa Paschall of NY, NY).

          a. a highly reactive metal and a toxic gas
          b. two unreactive nonmetals
          c. two highly reactive metals
          d. two toxic gases
44. Which of the following conditions on Mars would be the first to kill a human who is unprotected and unassisted by life support? (Credit to Edmund Smith of Hartford, Connecticut)

a. Low air pressure.
b. Colder than Antarctic temperatures.
c. High CO2 atmosphere.
d. Excess solar radiation due to a missing magnetic field.

45. O+ blood can be transfused into people with which blood types?

          a. Any blood type that is RH+
          b. Any blood type
          c. Only other O+ blood type
          d. Any blood type that is RH-

46. When a helium nucleus is being ejected from the nucleus of an atom, ______ took place.

          a. alpha decay
          b. beta  decay
          c. gamma decay
          d. electromagnetic radiation

47. The 4 basic forces of nature that govern the interaction of matter and energy are:

          a. gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak
          b. electricity, gravity, magnetism, thermodynamics
          c. kinetic, potential, gravitational, inertia
          d. gravitational, volcanic, electrodynamics, radiation

48.  6.02 x 1023 represents which number?

          a. Avogadro’s number
          b. Euler’s function
          c. speed of sound
          d. Hardy-Ramanujan number

49.  The part of the brain that controls involuntary functions such as breathing and heart rhythms.

          a. Medulla oblongata
b. cerebellum
          c. frontal lobe
          d. occipital lobe

50. Natural selection is not the only process that effects the survival of certain alleles. What is the particular genetic effect that states certain alleles will be expressed by chance fluctuations?

          a. genetic drift
          b. mutation
          c. evolution
          d. speciation

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